Laurie Jennings contributed this recipe, so thank you Laurie! I love pizza and a low carb recipe makes it even more enticing. At first, I couldn't believe this was low carb, so I checked the carbs in a single slice of pizza and guess what? There are 36. That's right 36 big ones. Compare that with 3 carbs per slice in this decadent tasting treat. That means I can eat 12 slices before I have the same amount of carbs. Now I do like pizza, but I'm not sure I can eat 12 slices! Though God knows, I'll try. Kidding. Of course, I'm kidding.
By the way, you'll find this recipe on the Entrees page. Because Pizza is an entree. I know, it's confusing, right? Sometimes we eat it for breakfast, serve it for appetizers or even throw down a slice after dinner, like dessert. But I just thought that most normal people eat it for dinner, ergo the Entree page. 'Nuff said. Enjoy.
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